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VOLUME 2, NUMBER 29     <>    MONDAY, AUGUST 20,  2001

this & that

fangwarfield.jpg (25556 bytes)Fanging the Fox. A spiffy new awning graces an old building in the Middle of Market Street. What a difference a year makes! It’s no longer the Fox Warfield.

Ford today, gone tomorrow. What a clamor arose when Ron Kaufman proposed demolishing the old S & C Ford shop at 450 Rhode Island and building a mammoth Macro-Media building in its place.

multimedia hole.jpg (426081 bytes)Nevertheless, the bulldozers did their job and the walls came tumbling down, only to leave what Dick Millet describes in the August Potrero View as That Big Hole.

San Franciscans for Reasonable Growth sued, reasoning that the plan would create not a freewheeling “business service” but a full-fledged “office building,” governed by the restrictions of Prop. M.

Millet reports that the case, which was thrown out of court, is being appealed. In the meantime, however, Kaufman has called it quits, although “he is willing to put together another project more acceptable to the community and current attitudes about Potrero Hill land use.”

Street life, Sunset style. Shortly after 8 a.m. last Wednesday, a beige Honda pulled up onto the sidewalk on 8th Avenue. The driver made no move to get out. He just sat there. And sat there. And sat.

Was he spying on the occupants of the flat whose entrance he blocked? Or staking out the apartment across the street?

Not in San Francisco.

A sign near the curb announced:

No Parking
8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Street Cleaning

At 9:25 a meter maid passed, stopping just ahead of him to ticket the only car parked on the street.

At 9:26 a street sweeper trundled by.

At 9:27, the Honda backed off the sidewalk and parallel parked. The driver checked his alignment, front and back, and walked into the house next door.

nonuthin.jpg (36140 bytes)Nono Park. Millions of tourists come every year to Golden Gate Park, and thousands of local residents pay their respects.

But what do they do there? Not much, if they’re law-abiding. These days it’s hard to see the trees for the signs: No cycling. No skating. No parking. No dogs. No. No. No.

But the prohibitions don’t seem to crimp anyone’s style. There must be a sign saturation point, beyond which all public notices become invisible, because the signs in the park don’t make a bit of difference.

nodogs.jpg (46581 bytes)Play ball!
